A word about Sustainability and Our Planet
As we move towards the future, it's important to prioritize the health of our planet. By taking steps to reduce waste and find new ways to reuse resources, we can work towards a more sustainable future. Let's all do our part to protect the environment for generations to come.

Packaging and unnecessary wrapping
To recycle our glass jars at home, kindly remove the caps and dispose of each item in their respective recycling containers. If you have any questions, please use your local Recycling Locator tool to find out where to drop off your glass. Thank you for your cooperation! For more information, www.recyclenation.com.
Responsibility starts with us.
Being educated and gaining knowledge about our environment does not require too much effort. Every one can contribute in helping to create a more sustainable future. Buying products with little or no wrapping, avoiding all the plastic bags, buying reusable items, using anything that doesn't have a big impact or create a burden on our planet.
Being aware of microplastics in cosmetics. Not only do they pollute the oceans but they can be found in our food chain as well.
Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals. Unfortunately, not many people are aware how these chemicals can harm our environment and ourselves. Silicons in cosmetics and shampoos do not biodegrade in nature. There are natural biodegradable substitutes.
Thank God there are more and more organizations that try to educate and shed awareness to the public through publications and advertisements. Even the smallest effort shows that we care and love our Planet.​

My Story
AGNODICE was the first woman in Ancient Greece to practice medicine
In her name you find the word AGNO which means PURE, UNPOLLUTED, CLEAN and GENUINE.
Her love for medicine and her determination and passion to help people, especially women made all the difference in the ancient world.
That is why she is my paradigm!
With equal passion, I am determined to bring nature with its benefits closer to you by creating unique skin and body care products using Pure, Natural and Organic ingredients.
Skin and Body Care that bring radiance and a healthy skin to the surface and lets you benefit from their anti-aging results.